Mice and Rats
Mice are a rodent that can invade your home and cause structural damage while spreading diseases. Adult mice range from 3 to 5 inches long with the tail length being as long as the body. House mice are brown or gray-black, with a light colored underbelly. The clearest indicator of mouse infestation is droppings; these are 1/8 – 1/4 of an inch and rod shaped. Another sign is gnawing; with their strong buck teeth they are able to chew through almost anything. They have been known to damage electrical wires, cause plastic pipe damage, and diminish the structural integrity of wood. With their heightened senses, they can be attracted to the smell of food in your home, happily gnawing through packages of dried goods in your kitchen and pantry. Mice can spread diseases such as salmonellosis and dysentery by contaminating your food, utensils and toiletries with their droppings. A mouse has no control over its bladder; that means it will urinate anywhere, anytime – like in your cupboards, the pantry, and so on. Luckily, there are many effective methods to prevent mice from entering your home.

Rats have a terrible reputation – and with good reason! You definitely do not want rats in your house! How can you tell if you have a rat problem? Look for gnaw markings that have a rough feeling. Also look for 1/2″ to 3/4″droppings around your house. And check for burrows. Any of these situations could indicate a rat infestation. Rats nest in basements and other lower portions of buildings. Spaces like this can be found in most homes and buildings. Rats can obtain food from multiple sources, as they will gnaw through almost anything – including plastic, wood, and even lead pipes – to obtain food and water. Rats can be dangerous. They can carry diseases; for example, bubonic plague is distributed by fleas that live on rats. Rats can also contaminate the food in your house. Thankfully, eliminating rats from a property can be a straightforward process. After confirming the area(s) of rat activity, we will set up poisoned bait stations.